Attention Deficit Therapy
Thursday, November 27, 2003
I am so full.
Now I must go eat pie.
thanksgiving sucks.
I've tried to do this 3 times now and it keeps getting erased. Bloody masochist...

I've been up since 6:30, making breakfast, washing dishes and banging my knee against the coffee table. My grandmother thinks this is hysterical. Apparently I've discovered that seeing loved ones in physical pain is the one thing that makes her happier than Bob Barker or Chuck Norris. (On an unrelated note, Grandma thinks that Chuck Norris is the "only real man.") In addition to this family wickedness, my 7-year-old cousin hates me all of a sudden and I suspect it's because I gave him cranberry juice rather than the cranberry-orange blend he prefers. Alas. On a more productive note, my aunt has just given me a quiz that told me not only that I'm in the right profession, but also that I am "creative, spontaneous and motivated by future possibilities." Who knew. Personally, I prefer emode quizzes, the kind that let me know "what his zodiac says about him."

Anyway, I'm going back to the kitchen so I can start stuffing (or, I mean, watch someone else start stuffing) the big, rubbery, poultry-looking object. In preparation for the feast to come, I will also begin hourly maalox shots while watching the parade from where it is best viewed--mom and dad's couch (ie. my bed for the next 2 days).
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
oh, I totally lied...
I'm newly intrigued. I can't stop. I just read this entire thing. Michael Jackson is like so waaay scarier than David Gest. For sure. I think that the history of MJ's plastic surgery should really be required reading. Perhaps starting in first grade. New campaign possibilities include "just say no to rhinoplasty," and "this is your face on collagen." [via Anomalies Unlimited.]
oooh...he is very very sneaky...
David Gest = perhaps the most frightening thing I've ever seen. I'm so over Michael Jackson. It's all about DG from now on. Well...for now anyway. God I LOVE this. [Via Awful Plastic Surgery.]
oh sweet, sweet procrastination
I have hit a new low.

Dear god, I love Webster. Perhaps more than Small Wonder...
yeah, well that's why I should've had the deciding vote.
Slackers. The Pitchfork people decided to re-write their previously-compiled list of the top 100 albums of the 1990s. I'm not amused. I mean, I understand the brilliance (what.ever.) of My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless," but I think I can safely argue that it wasn't the number 2 album of the decade. With Nirvana coming in at #6, I'm going to do a whole lot of soul searching. I've got to gather my strength to continue putting up with this shit.
i don't understand this. i'm feeling inadequate.
I feel as though I should know html or something. Guess we'll find out. hmph.

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