Attention Deficit Therapy
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Read my Gmail...
"christian bale. eh. it's the sick, sick attraction you developed for him after seeing american psycho. it was that tortured agony of being so fucking into his body, his suit, his wealth, his disdain for everyone other than himself, his total numbness...and then the dismay at the movie making fun of you for being attracted to exactly that. thanks to that movie, when i am introduced to corporate attys, i picture them hacking me to death. "

Friday, June 10, 2005
She shouldv'e gone to Smith...
Gawker: "Gossip Roundup: Hillary Clinton, the Senatorial Lesbian
Filed under Culture : New York Politics
"Ed Klein's new biography on Hillary Clinton says that she was a total dyke and chowed box. Or was maybe just friends with women at Wellesley, God forbid. [Page Six]"
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Jimmy Carter Asks Washington to Close Guantanamo Prison
Jimmy Carter Asks Washington to Close Guantanamo Prison: "Former US President Jimmy Carter called on the Bush administration to close the prison at the US naval base in Guantanamo, Cuba in order to end 'the terrible embarrassment and a blow to [the US's] reputation.'
In recent statements from a two-day human rights conference in Atlanta, Carter said that the current US administration is continuing to discredit itself in light of ongoing reports of offenses against prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo. "
Manhattan Martyr
Lives in tiny, dirty, apartment in hip Manhattan neighborhood, entirely beyond his/her means as a form of “social resistance.” Eats peanut butter as a meal 4-5 times per week in order to afford requisite $5 Starbucks latte that he/she “can’t live without.” Constantly bitches about unattainable lothes/shoes/restaurants/cab rides that would be affordable if he/she would only shut up and move to fucking Brooklyn already.
Someone thinks I'm
"fiercely fabulous!" Seriously! I received an email in which I was referred to as "fiercely fabulous." Best. Day. Ever.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Gmail - Inbox
"what makes a man decide that even sideburns are to be his legacy. It can be nothing but a cold heartless world. A cold heartless world indeed."

Read my Gmail Part II
"My boyfriend left for work this morning wearing dark socks and Birkenstock sandals. And I didn't even make a joke about it. Not a peep. I don't know if it was because I was being nice or because I was just so surprised that he didn't know/care how wrong it was that I couldn't manage to put a sentence together."
back on board Politics: "'There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda,' today's New York Times quotes Clinton as saying. 'I know it's frustrating for many of you, it's frustrating for me. Why can't the Democrats do more to stop them? I can tell you this: It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don't care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth.' "

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