Attention Deficit Therapy
Thursday, September 30, 2004
"What idiot decided that we need to be wearing ponchos this fall? I thought this crappy spring trend had been quashed by the hot summer months, but no such luck. Ponchos are back with a vengeance. Cotton, cashmere, plain, fringed--you can't step outside without seeing a chick who looks like she's been attacked by Grandma's sofa afghan. Why the hell are women across America so eager to buy the one item of clothing that has the uncanny ability to make a skinny woman look obese and an obese woman look like a circus tent? "

Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Vodka martini, extra dry, esxtra bullshit.
'People's palates are being pushed,' said Jerri Banks, who calls herself a cocktail stylist and who has created cocktails for Taj and Ixta, among others.

Give me a motherfucking break. As an cocktail enthusiast (to an almost innapropriate degree), even I have to call bullshit on this one. She's a cocktail stylist??? I'm considering leaving my day job to be a feng-shui napkin folding consultant...

The New York Times > Dining & Wine > So a Purist Goes in a Bar and Starts to Pour Art
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Brits on Gay Marriage=funny!
"It's not like they're making same-sex marriage compulsory. If you're not gay, don't marry someone of the same sex. It's okay. It's not like anyone's forcing you to. So why on earth would anyone care what a couple of people of the same sex whom they don't know, did in the privacy of their own register office, rubber chicken buffet reception with DJ and then later, their bedroom? "
Monday, September 27, 2004
Bad news for The Shrub
"A majority of voters -- 55 percent -- say they worry that Bush is too reckless in making policy decisions. And once again, fewer than half of all voters say the war in Iraq was worth the cost, a clear signal that events in Iraq, perhaps even more than events on the campaign trail, ultimately may decide this election. "

Holy crap. This is amazing. And WAY more fun than Baudrillard:
The Postmodernism Generator: Communications From Elsewhere
Procrastination of the day:
Internet Anagram Server / I, Rearrangement Servant : anagrams, wordplay, creator, solver, finder, generator, crossword, transmogrify, pangram, shuffle, fun
The Onion | Organizers Fear Terrorist Attacks On Upcoming Al-Qaeda Convention
"ASADABAD, AFGHANISTAN - Fears of possible terrorist attacks have led organizers of the Sept. 27-30 al-Qaeda International Convention to take unprecedented security measures, sources reported Monday."

The Onion | America's Finest News Source
* Vote Carrie *
Oh, this is too good...

Are you tired of the same old choices? Do you want a candidate that represents the issues that are important to you? Ladies and gentlemen, there's a new party in town...and it's hot! Vote Carrie Bradshaw for a more stylish America!


Want to know if Carrie Bradshaw is the right candidate for you? Check out her positions on the biggest issues:

Carrie on the Economy:

'I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet.' "

Gawker kicks back, NYT makes me vomit
The new Gawker editor, who I've been not the biggest fan of (yeah, yeah, jealously...) surprised me this morning with her delightful review of today's grotesque Times article. The guy was actually arguing that flight attendants should be more respectful of their "hierarchical position." Lucky for us, the new Gawker snapped back:

You know what I really hate? When, like, I'm having an impoverished single father of seven spit-shine my new Gucci alligator shoes and he actually tries to interact with me. The nerve! I want my servants subservient, dammit, and so does Bob Morris over at the Times

I'm guessing Bob won't mind paying $20 to get into MoMA if the security guards promise not to tell him where he can find Starry Night...

'NYT' To Plebs: Shut The Eff Up [via Gawker]
MoMA's Manhattanization
The NYT yesterday dropped this little bombshell on the rest of the (non-Art) world. Yes, admission to MoMA is going up to $20. Seriously. $20. The worst of it is that the powers that be are so fucking hypocritical about the whole thing. The article begins with a museum official gushing about how fucking nice it was to have such diverse visitors at the museum's temporary location in Queens:

It was young and, while not quite a cultural tapestry by Queens standards, more diverse than the usual MoMA scene. Many visitors hailed from the outer boroughs. "We felt good," James A. Gara, the museum's chief operating officer, said. "We really did reach an audience we had always wanted to reach."

Let me translate this:

"The museum is now so fucking far away from the Upper East Side, we didn't know who we'd get to come! I mean, you can't expect ladies who lunch to go to Queens, now can you? Well, I mean, we did have that Matisse/Picasso show, which was a 'must see,' but even that's pushing it... Queens is also a very expensive cab ride away..."

OK. So now the museum's got this "diverse, young" group of visitors. That they just gave a big fuck you to by raising the price to $20. And the rich, old, white ladies have been ensured that they won't have to suffer the agony of having some gross poor person's head blocking their view of Starry Night:

Modern-art lovers who can comfortably absorb the $8 price hike are likely to be delighted with the trade-off, as may tourists interested in exploring the full range of the museum's resources. New Yorkers who like to spend an occasional lunch hour at the museum and tourists who just want to see "The Starry Night," however, may not be so happy. As Melissa Dale, a first-year student at the Parsons School of Design who was visiting the museum's Queens outpost last week, said: "If it cost us $20, we probably wouldn't come. It's, like, food for three days for us."

The Shock of the New Entry Fee [via NYT]

Sunday, September 26, 2004
Everybody Shrub now
Maybe I'm the last one to know, but I'm in love with this presidential pseudonym. And TVLWC:

The Shrub keeps lying through his teeth, claiming how much "progress" has been made in Iraq. Someone needs to tell Georgie that "progress" is not the proper term... "quagmire" would be more accurate. "Cluster-fuck" would be applicabale. "Catastrophic disaster" also comes to mind.

Oh, Snap.

Get the Bushites a Dictionary and a Thesaurus [via The VLWC]
Friday, September 24, 2004
Lifestyles of the rich...vapid, and ignorant...
Don't get me wrong, I like needlessly expensive, yet incredibly desireable clothing just as much as the next 20-something Manhattanite, (I read magazines, I have credit cards, I covet Manolos...) but this makes me want to vomit. Or cry. Or bury my head in the sand until 2009.

"You would never know from the spring collections that there was a bitter presidential campaign going on. Remember George W. Bush and John Kerry? Oh yeah, those dudes. And what about the demonstrations, protest T-shirts and hollering about Iraq and oil money that filled New York barely a week before the shows? Fashion is supposed to reflect the times. But instead of reflecting a complex, divisive period in American history, American fashion was at the beach."

The New York Times > Fashion & Style > What Politics? Seventh Ave. Puts on a Sunny Face
get your war on
So, so very awesome: | get your war on |
Thursday, September 23, 2004
The only slightly interesting comment on Gawker since its...reconfiguration.
"...yada yada yada, whooo! Open bar!"

To Do: Donnie Darko And Brooklyn [via Gawker]
Real rock critics...
Vincent sent this to me because it's Radiohead + pseudo-intellectualism at its best. I could only love this more with a side of margarita. Yeeesssssssss.... Read on:

"When you listen to Radiohead, you're no longer actually listening to Radiohead -- you're listening to everyone's opinion about Radiohead. It's impossible to separate what you hear from what you've read. You are betrayed by what you know, and you know way too much.

Thus, in order to solicit an honest, undiluted opinion about Radiohead, you'd have to find the proverbial People Living Under Rocks. As People Living Under Rocks are unavailable, let's use fifth graders." | Radiohead Rorschach | 2003-09-17
About Bush and God...
The whole article is frigging hillarious, but this comment takes the cake:

"Bush may be a lot of things, but it's a pretty safe bet that he isn't God, unless God is a slim Texan with a thin-lipped smile and a supercilious mug."

Quote of the day:
From T:

"Don't rule out the law school boys. Think of them as long-term,
high yield investments."

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Fucking horrible blackmail, Iraq, murder, death, prisoners, the country, the world,,,blah...
This is one of the most horrible things I've ever heard. I am, most certainly, going to have nightmares about this. And so should everyone else in the United States. Thank you once again, Mr. George Bush, for getting us into this excellent, excellent mess. I think at this point the vast majority of people reading the statements of prisoners about to die just shake their heads in disgust:

"'I think this is possibly my last chance. I don't want to die. I don't deserve [it]. Please free female prisoners held in Iraqi prisons.' " - British hostage pleads for life on video - Sep 22, 2004
Here comes my baby...Oh, sorry, he's being deported.
"Ex-pop singer Cat Stevens, a Muslim, will be deported to Britain after being denied entry to the United States because his activities could be 'linked to terrorism,' a U.S. official said on Wednesday. "

Entertainment News Article |
The New York Times > Opinion > President Bush's Lead Balloon
"Mr. Bush has never exhibited much respect for the United Nations at the best of times. But the United States now desperately needs the partnership of other nations on Iraq. Without substantial help from major nations, the prospects for stabilizing that country anytime soon are bleak. American soldiers and taxpayers are paying a heavy price for Washington's wrongheaded early insistence on controlling all important military, political and economic decision-making in post-invasion Iraq. "

The New York Times > Opinion > President Bush's Lead Balloon
The Education of Mr. George W. Bush
I think that Mr. Bush would perhaps find useful today's Word of the Day. Pay close attention to the second definition. And Cheers!:

con-fab-u-late ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ken-fab'y-late) intr.v.

1. To talk casually; chat.
2. Psychology. To fill in gaps in one's memory with fabrications that one believes to be facts.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Ralph Nader is (still) an annoying little shit.
Dear Mr. Nader,

I know you mean well, but right now, I'm sorry--I just don't give a shit. The United States has gone to hell in a handbasket, with the roll of Dorothy played by George W. Bush. The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing that could feasibly help this country see the light of day once more (and help the rest of the world think we are maybe slightly less evil) is the election of John Kerry as President. Maybe the two party dichotomy sort of sucks, and maybe John Kerry isn't everyone's ideal person for the job, but the time for that arena of discussion has ended and now we only have one option. Unless you fuck it up. I am begging you; BEGGING you, to step the fuck off. There are way to many states where your teeny, tiny shred of influence might just enact another November 2000. And then I'd have to kill myself. You don't want that, now do you? Yes. That's right. I've resorted to empty threats. I am that desperate.

Some week old stats that still piss me off [via WSJ]
Thursday, September 16, 2004 : Kerry: Bush Not Being Straight About Iraq
"'The president stood right here where I'm standing and didn't acknowledge that more than 1,000 men and women have lost their lives in Iraq,' said the decorated Vietnam War veteran. 'He didn't tell you that with each passing day, we're seeing more chaos, more violence, indiscriminate killings. He didn't tell you that with each passing week, our enemies are actually getting bolder that Pentagon officials report that entire regions of Iraq are now in the hands of terrorists and extremists.'" : Kerry: Bush Not Being Straight About Iraq
Fellow drunkards! Yessss....
Ah, beautiful. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know that I'm not the only one feeling like such self-inflicted shite...

"hungover. dying. but gossip for you. i was at concorde last night, saw justin timberlake sans cameron. with a group of people including paris hilton and lindsay lohan. looked like JT wasn't drinking. paris was being paris, dancing. they they were all at the same booth. wish i could write whole sentences. i can't even begin. lohan disappeared but i didn't see her drinking. do what you need to do. i'm going to vomit."

[via Defamer]
Love to Eurotrash...
who wrote:

"Somebody told me recently that I wasn't funny any more because I had lost my rage. So I fucked him sideways up the arse with a chainsaw and said, 'are you laughing now, fucker?' "

[via eurotrash]
Monday, September 13, 2004
I love CNN and James Carville.
And Bill O'Reilly is a douche bag.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
"LONDON (Billboard) - Scottish alternative rock act Franz Ferdinand has won Britain's coveted Mercury Prize for its eponymous debut album."

Franz Ferdinand Snares UK's Mercury Music Prize [via Reuters]
John Edwards Lovefest Volume 1:
"Most of the reaction to Vice President Dick Cheney's most recent outrageous statement has been to condemn (or, in the case of the Bush campaign, to backpedal away from furiously) the libelous accusation he made. Here's how it was reported by the Associated Press:

'It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.'

That's more obscene than anything Dick said in the Senate.
Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards quickly responded to the accusation. The Kerry administration, he said, 'will keep American safe, and we will not divide the American people to do it.' He also condemned Cheney's filthy smear:

'Dick Cheney's scare tactics crossed the line today, showing once again that he and George Bush will do anything and say anything to save their jobs. Protecting America from vicious terrorists is not a Democratic or Republican issue and Dick Cheney and George Bush should know that.'"

[via slacktivist]
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Why we invaded Iraq.

Friday, September 03, 2004 - Schwarzenegger criticized for Austrian history gaffes - Sep 3, 2004
"VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Austrian historians are ridiculing California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for telling the Republican National Convention that he saw Soviet tanks in his homeland as a child and left a 'Socialist' country when he moved away in 1968." - Schwarzenegger criticized for Austrian history gaffes - Sep 3, 2004
Heheh. The MSNBC guys = big crush.
From Keith Olbermann:

"...watching Laura Bush prove you can give a convention speech that sounds like the Xeroxed letter that comes inside the Christmas Card ('The Western states are doing fine. Utah has met a nice young girl')..."

Unlike myself, Kerry's not hitting snooze.
Last night, immediately following President Bush's acceptance speech, John Kerry snapped into action and did something a lot of people have been waiting for: he defended himself, his position, and lashed out at Bush's hypocritical denouncements. And finally-- I'm not afraid to say it-- John Kerry was downright sexy!

"'I have five words for America: This is your wake-up call,' the Massachusetts senator told a cheering crowd at a midnight rally in Springfield, Ohio.

'We all saw the anger and distortion of the Republican convention,' Kerry said. 'For the past week, they attacked my patriotism and my fitness to serve as commander-in-chief.

'Well, here's my answer: I'm not going to have my commitment to defend this country questioned by those who refused to serve when they could have and by those who have misled the nation into Iraq.'" - Kerry says Bush 'unfit to lead this nation' - Sep 3, 2004
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Dubya's speech...
So I'm watching this crapola right now. I think Georgie just said something about making sure there were jobs for the unborn child. No descrimination against churches. Supports the protection of marriage between a man and a woman because there is a difference between personal opinion and a strict interpretation of the law. Kerry supports the values of Hollywood. (No mention of the Terminator...) Ah, perfect.

I despise this man and everthing he stands for. He is evil. He IS the axis of evil. He is a horrible evil person who is using the deaths of thousands of people on 9/11 to win an election, to further his evil goals and spread his evil ideas.

Magic Hannah just commented:

"Fuck you!"

and then:

"Giuliani is wearing a tie with bears on it...oh wait, maybe they're elephants..."

OH MY GOD, he keeps SMIRKING! I swear to fucking god, those are smirks! He is no shit, talking about terrorism, and smirking. Heh heh heh... Iraq, Syria, Iran, heh heh heh....

I am now, literally, going to go throw up.
From the New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip
"Creative Coalition co-president and 'Dr. Vegas' star Joe Pantoliano wonders if FDR would fare better than Kerry if he were alive today.
'You'd have wheelchair veterans for truth coming out of the woodwork screaming, 'He's not really a cripple!''"

New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Can somebody please tell this asshole to shut the fuck up?!!
REALLY. I'm not usually so angry in the morning, but I can't fucking STAND this guy! This is a leader?? This person is an example to us all?? This is what we want our country to stand for??

Without further ado, here are some choice selections from Governor Ridiculous's shit-spewing speach last night:

If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope for democracy, then you are a Republican...

And under President Bush and Vice President Cheney, America's economy is moving ahead in spite of a recession they inherited... REALLY?

My fellow Americans, make no mistake about it: Terrorism is more insidious than Communism... Gee, I didn't know we were still worried about a communist takeover, but thanks for getting the word out!

"And to those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say: Don't be economic girlie-men." Yeah. That one's my favorite. Arnold the consummate feminist, per usual. - Schwarzenegger: No country more welcoming than the USA - Aug 31, 2004
Bitty Dole, last night's GOP champ:
"'Marriage between a man and a woman isn't something Republicans invented, but it is something Republicans will defend,' she said. 'We believe in a culture that respects all life ... the frail elderly, the infirm and those not yet born. Protecting life isn't something Republicans invented. But it is something Republicans will defend.'"

...unless it's a gay life you're going after, because then, like, you sure shit ain't gettin married, get it? We will support potential lives, but not actual lives. In fact, this is a key element in the Republican economic plan! Yes! By God, it's brilliant! - Day 3:GOP stresses 'Land of Opportunity' - Sep 1, 2004
More political wisdom from Magic Hannah
Umm, how do you all feel about the damn Swift Boat Veterans? The newest ad where Kerry is talking (truthfully) about the war crimes committed by the US in Vietnam and the Swift Boat morons saying that he was giving away war secrets. I wish they had fallen off their swift boats when they had the chance.

CNN has set up camp in some diner near their studio. They are hosting Crossfire there while fat tourists sip milkshakes and clap.


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