Attention Deficit Therapy
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I'm of those people who adheres to my daily horoscope. I never walk under ladders and I knock on wood whenever possible. I am constantly seeing something completely irrelevant as "a sign" and I am forever concerned with that which may be jinxed. Thus I am finding great significance in what I have just stumbled upon at TMFTML. Oi Vey.

"We try not to reveal too much about our personal life here on this site, so it may come as something of a shock to you to learn that we have been known, on occasion, to take a drink or two. That being the case, we’d like to go on record as saying that we think this is a bad idea. After all, isn’t half the fun of drinking not knowing exactly how ripped you’re going to get? If there were some standardized way of monitoring the level of drunkenness one was about to achieve, one would never awaken the next morning in a state of semi-undress sandwiched between a visiting sailor and one of the less attractive members of The Big Apple Circus’ clown corps."

Killing the Mystery [via TMFTML]
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