Attention Deficit Therapy
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I miss the good old days.
I've recently become more pissed off than usual regarding the whole Napster/MP3 bullshit that has occurred in the last couple of years. How is it possible that we've regressed so much in terms of our ability to access music online? It's so completely, horribly annoying. And I hate Metallica and any of the other ridiculous money-grubbing crap musicians. I used to spend literally hours downloading entire albums, only to immediately erase 98% of the mp3s after realizing that they were complete shit. Though (and this is very important) I still actually paid money for an entire cd if it was worth it. As I'm sure millions and millions of people did. Not to mention the plethora of live stuff available through the previous incarnation of Napster, but nowhere else. Ugh. I could go on for hours. Fortunately, not right now. Should you, however, desire to PURCHASE your mp3s, for the SAME PRICE AS A REGULAR CD, you may do so in the form of a NAPSTER GIFT CERTIFICATE, found online, at Radio Shack, or at my personal favorite mp3 giftcenter, Duane Reade.

Napster Music Download Card [via Napster]
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