Attention Deficit Therapy
Thursday, December 04, 2003
James Carville: More invigorating than a cold shower and a fresh bar of Irish Spring.
Last night I went to see James Carville at Barnes and Noble in Union Square. He was promoting his new book, Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back. The man is pure genius, as far as I'm concerned. Highlights of his "talk" included a barrage of anti-Republican/anti-Bush jokes (brilliant) after which he basically just started yelling at the audience that the Democratic party needs to get its collective shit together and quit whining so that we can win the election.

When asked his opinion on what democratic candidate would be the most successful, he replied, "The one that reads my book." The book itself is pretty fantastic from what I could tell, reading over the shoulder of the nice lady sitting next to me. I was particularly fond of the section on Rick Santorum, in which Carville equates Santorum with the route of all evil (not to mention a complete homophobic moron) and reminds us that men who actually use the phrase "man on dog" are probably familiar with the phrase through personal internet searches. Ha! Fantastic.
Barnes and Noble
The office of James Carville
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