Friday, December 05, 2003
Today's entertainment provided courtesy MSNBC.
Thank you, MSNBC for keeping me up to date with the worlds most important issues. People keep dying in Iraq, the northeast is getting a big-ass snowstorm and finally, drumroll please:
"Bush team searches for a big idea: Return to moon, fighting hunger could be part of fresh agenda."
I would really love someone to find one word in that entire headline that:
a) inspires confidence in the US President
b) doesn't sound completely ridiculous
c) doesn't make me want to vomit
Ah yes, fighting hunger IS a big idea. Perhaps Mr. Bush could send all those poor starving people some nice Omaha Steaks for Christmas. I hear they even ship internationally. Oh wait, nevermind...
Bush Team Searches for a Big Idea [via MSNBC]