Monday, February 02, 2004
And the Freaky Friendster of the Day Award goes to:
Alright, seriously buddy, you've got a few issues. This is the friendster message I just received (name deleted this time because well, he might hunt me down):
"From: *****
Date: January 30, 2004 1:44 PM
Subject: what up
Message: hey what's up..
just good to see another bad at spelling artist in
the city....yada, yada, yada...
hey, i guess i can plug myself...
like "my hobbies are...etc, etc, etc"
but i'm tired..."
OK. Not so horrible. Not interesting, but not horrible. It only becomes interestingly horrible upon checking said user's profile, which includes such juicy tidbits as:
"Who I Want to Meet: people who owe me money,people who will hook me up with goodies and stuff, someone who can get me a better picture of myself to post,etc... "
And the best part--In the "About Me" section, my new friend(ster) boasts:
"just broke up with a rich snot law-school i'm pretty burned.Actually,after twenty-four years i've come to realize that i'm just a freak...a wierdo. My biggest hobby is complaining that life isn't fair. I'm also starting to realize i dislike most people just on sight alone. I sleep on the subways, just so i avoid eye contact with everybody."
Yep. Definitely a real charmer. Sweet.