Friday, February 06, 2004
She probably liked it.
Seriously. Like every other freaking person on the entire freaking planet who has, oh, you know, eyes, ears, isn't in a coma, I'm completely effing sick of the stupid ass Janet Jackson "scandal." And I know I said that I wasn't going to say anything else about this shit, but I'm so fucking pissed off right now. I'm really, really not one to be naive about the state of "morals" or "values" in this stupid country, run by a stupid, stupid man, but every now and then I'm just so appalled by how far we really have to go. It's like, to get anywhere near the conservative front, everyone has to behave like motherfucking conservatives. Yeah, I know, this isn't news. I am just so frustrated that I can't even formulate actual statements. OK, so what ticked me off this morning? This stupid shit. Same old story, maybe just phrased in such a way that I became more irritated than usual:
"Pop singer Justin Timberlake, Jackson's partner-in-crime at the Super Bowl, remains on the Grammys roster as a performer, while Keys and Knowles also will perform.
The breast-flashing stunt by Jackson, who is due to release her first album in three years next month, has inadvertently spurred a federal probe into television broadcasting. NBC has decided to delete a brief shot of an elderly woman's breast from Thursday's episode of medical drama "ER," while CBS and ABC will air their respective Grammy and Academy awards shows on a tape delay in the event of any naughty behavior."
Alright, so because what Janet did was so goddamn scandalous, now she has to withdraw from the Grammy Awards. Wouldn't want to taint that stellar program with her presence. Anyway. My big fucking question here, is why didn't Justin withdraw??? WHY is SHE the one being vilified??? It seems to me that she didn't rip off her own fucking shirt. It seems pretty clear that Justin knew all about what he was doing, and REACHED across her to rip it off. Now SERIOUSLY. If her "actions" can be construed as lewd or crass or, I don't know, fucking pornographic as a single breast was partially exposed (holy fucking shit), then can we not further take Justin's actions to task? WHY is his participation in this stupid, STUPID debacle being whitewashed? Why aren't we not censuring him for an act that, I think can even more legitimately be seen as an act of (consensual or not) violence against a woman?
SHE is being called tacky and a lot worse for her participation, when he's barely mentioned. Really. Re-read all of the incessant, dumb news coverage of this crap. She's the bad girl. He's the innocent bystander. GOD, then there's all of the "we can't let people see a BREAST! It's disgusting! What will the children think! What a horrible WOMAN! Doesn't she know people don't see female bodies as anything but visual remarks of promiscuous sexual innuendo!" OH, and in this particular article, the go on to make sure we know that the other "divas" (don't get me started) are being "good" and keeping their mouths shut (god forbid they earn career demerits as well). It all just makes me fucking sick. Sexism, racism, rich-conservative-white-males-rule-the-world-ism, whatever the fuck you want to call it. I don't care. It's just so fucked and it shit like this is what I hate about this country. Full of ignorant fucks.
Ok, that's enough fucking for me today. Crazy lady is done now, I promise.
R&B divas keep their distance [via MSNBC]