Monday, February 02, 2004
Ultra-depressing moment of the day
Thank you, thank you so much, for pointing this out. It SO makes me appreciate what it really means to work in the arts. I'm just SO happy to know how much higher DOGWALKING is valued over the arts, non-profits, and anything I ever hope to be involved in/employed by:
"The Most Personal of Questions: How Much Do You Make?
The Daily News decides to look at the salaries of various New Yorkers, both ordinary and unusual, to give a sense of what the people you see every day are making. The DN starts it off by trying to make you feel good, reminding everyone that Mayor Bloomberg and some others all make $1 a year, although they neglect to mention earnings from their other businesses or trust funds. The average New Yorker made $46,920 in 2002, which is higher than the country's average salary of $35,560 and means that Sammy Swale, dog walker, is above average for a New Yorker with his $50,000 for the year."
Shit. How many effing dogs does this guy walk? Is he walking these dogs like, 86 times a day? Does he ever take a minute off? Well, I suppose he's got to cash in his gigantic paycheck every once in awhile. Asshole.
The Most Personal of Questions: How Much Do You Make? [via Gothamist via TDN]