Tuesday, June 15, 2004
From this week's Black List. And Dammit, YES I had to copy the entire thing. This shit is uneditable.
THE BLACK LIST: BODY BY BUD, LIFE BY HAMMER.: "BILL CLINTON'S IMPENDING RETURN TO DOMINANCE: Don't lie: You have missed him. Even if you can't stand him, you've missed him. While the world has been going to shit over the past three years, Clinton has been hunkered down in Chappaqua, N.Y., finishing his memoirs and preparing for his reemergence. Well, the book is finally done, and now it's time. You're not going to be able to hide from Clinton in the next month; he's going to be everywhere. And you're going to love it. Anybody else wish we could, just once, see Clinton and Bush debate each other? There'd be nothing left of Dubya but some 20-year-old cocaine residue and a pair of spurs. With John Kerry boring us to sleep and Michael Moore -- however good his intentions -- pounding the pavement with the intellectual honesty of Stephen Glass, someone needs to step in, start clearing house and cracking some skulls. And now here he is. Bill Clinton. He might not save the day, he might not be a saint, but you won't be able to take your eyes off him. In a dull campaign season -- it remains astounding how an election as important as this one can remain so dull -- Clinton is a lightning bolt, shock treatment. Tell us Monica anecdotes! Chuckle about pinning 'Dork' stickers on Kenneth Starr's back! Give us something! It's T-minus a week until it's all Bill, all the time, and I, for one, cannot freaking wait. A -- Will Leitch"
The Black List [via The Black Table]