Monday, June 21, 2004
I'd love to help but...
These things never cease to amaze me. And this one is particularly good, I think... Also, this is only about one sixth of the entire email I just received. They're getting a bit wordy, if you ask me...
May I use this medium opportunity to introduce myself
to you? I am a Sierra Leone National. and my name is
Andrew . The son of Sabartha mensah my father have a
Diamond and mining Corporation in Sierra Leone before
the war finally broke out. Things have never been the
same and presently, I am seeking refugee in Ghana. I
pray that my decision to contact you will be
given a genuine approval considering the facts that we
have not known each other before.
Before my father was killed he deposited some huge
amount of money in Ghana with a security company in
save box, which was deposited as described to be
containing precious items and personal effects I have
Worked out arrangements to get this box containing the
fund to be taken out of Africa. Now I need your
assistance to receive the box in your country as
soon as it arrives and the safe keeping of it.