Tuesday, June 22, 2004
MSNBC - Kerry: Looking to Clinton for a Helping Hand
MSNBC - Kerry: Looking to Clinton for a Helping Hand: "It's a far cry from the pyschodrama of four years ago, when Al Gore wrestled with Clinton's presence and was lampooned by George W. Bush for calling on Clinton's help in the final days of the election. 'John Kerry wasn't Bill Clinton's vice-anything,' says Ron Klain, Gore's former chief of staff. 'He doesn't have to prove how he got here.' Kerry may also be helped by some nostalgia for the Clinton era-at least according to Hillary. 'People are more and more remembering the positive aspects of the 1990s,' she told NEWSWEEK. 'It can only benefit John Kerry, who is talking about the issues that elected my husband president.' Kerry hasn't forgotten what he last week described as Clinton's 'terrible mistake.' He just prefers to talk about the mistakes of the president he's running against."