Monday, July 26, 2004
The best Sunday ever, if I hadn't puked this morning.
Yesterday was awesome. I actually dragged myself out of bed before 12PM. I went in search of some Tasti-d, and they had my favorite flavor combo on tap (pistachio/cookie-dough. I know, I'm gross). I walked all the way from the East Village to the Met (really long walk = less daunting than actual, physical excercise). There I fulfilled my goal to check out some amazing Islamic art (or rather, what was actually on display, as the Islamic section is closed for renovation) and the Andy Goldsworthy sculpture on the roof. Also, before leaving, I made a pit stop at my favorite painting ever (Picasso's The Blind Man's Meal). It makes me feel like dying, but in a good way (always the true test of artistic genious, no?).

Anyway. After that, I glided across the park, stopped to hang out by the sailboat pond for a few minutes, and made my way down and over to Columbus Circle for some delicious Whole-Fooding and then back up to 68th and Broadway for the absolute highlight of my incredibly nerdy day. I saw Harry Potter 3 on IMAX. By myself. Oh god, I am a giant nerd, but it was amazing. Really really amazing. Worth all fourteen freaking dollars.
But no, the day did not stop here! See how much fun I can have? By the time I got back home to the EVil. my amazing roommate had the weekly White Trash BBQ in full swing. So much awesome. And not only were there hot dogs and PBRs a-plenty, but the amazing Mark brought me a present. I am now the proud owner of one fan fucking tastic folding bike. SO SO much awesome. Unfortunately, after a few vodka tonics and a can of Tecate, I decided I needed to try the bike out. Not so easy to ride, let me tell you, but I did live to share the glorious tale; not without an incredibly un-glamourous ending (ie. me + toilet bowl + 6am this morning = no fun at all). I am not drinking for the rest of the week. I swear. Really. This time I mean it.