Attention Deficit Therapy
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Ha, I'm so glad that I work for a woman.
I mean, obviously, work would be more entertaining if there was even the potential for some co-worker-bent-over-the-copy-machine action...hmm...then there's also those things you get when you work for big, rich companies...what are they called again? Oh yeah--benefits. Apparently, all kinds of benefits...

"Morgan Stanley is the third Wall Street firm to pay big bucks -- Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch have previously paid out more than $100 mil combined. This pattern could very well lead one to believe that Wall Street boys would much rather be assholes and pay out millions of dollars than keep their money by merely not behaving like retarded frat boys while at work."

Morgan Stanley Runs Scared From Girls [via Gawker]
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