Saturday, July 03, 2004
Hangover empathy anyone?
I feel like I'm going to die. I woke up in the clothes I wore last night. right down to my flip flops. apparently, I managed to consume 1 Tequila sunrise, 5 frozen margaritas (all with salt, one with mango flavoring), 3 PBRs, 2 Red Stripes, 1 Stella 1 Sparks and 2 cans of Rhinegold. In that order. that's right, friends, I drank for approximately 10 hours straight yesterday. I can't even think about beer right now. or nachos, for that matter. I had 4, count them, FOUR servings of nachos throughout that time period. and that doesn't even count the ENTIRE BAG of guacamole flavored doritos I murdered on my way from one bar to the next. Holy crap, I feel like shit. Now I'm at work, feeding my bosses cats. I'm about to go throw up the loaf of bread, bottle of coke and bottle of that POM pomegranate juice shit that I decided would cure my hangover because I read it in a magazine. Then I'm going to get my shit together, make a pasta salad and get into bbq-mode so I can happily pound back a few cans of miller-highlife and a hotdog or 3. Summer. Eghh.