Attention Deficit Therapy
Friday, July 02, 2004
I think I would get along quite well with this person.
"This is absolutely unbelievable... Republican hypocrisy raised to an exospheric level:

President Bush [sic] observed the 40th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act [Thurs]day, standing in the East Room of the White House, where the law was signed, and proclaiming that 'America is a better place' because of its enactment but 'the work of equality is not done because the evil of bigotry is not finally defeated.'

Yes, that's why we need Affirmative Action--you know that program, Georgie; it's the one your administration and your party have relentlessly attacked and weakened. And let's not forget the GOP's assault on civil liberties in general since 9/11.

George Bush celebrating the CRA anniversary is like Hitler celebrating Hanukkah. Oops, that's the kind of Nazi analogy that wingnuts hate--except when they're the ones using such analogies against liberals. "

wanted: a vast left-wing conspiracy
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