Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Target is so hot right now.
So up on Gawker there are some awesome pictures of last night's party for the opening of the Target store @ Atlantic in Brooklyn. Also, there's a really, really accurate description of the illustrious event:
"I use the terms 'this is surreal' and 'I hate hipsters' and 'there's no way this could be happening' every day but then last night at Target it became clear that all the other times I said it and didn't mean it it was just practice for this singularly bizarre event."
Though the word "bizarre" doesn't even begin to grasp the "where the fuck am I and what the fuck is going on!!??"-ness of the evening. My charming host (for whom I provided the ubiquitous plus one) and I had a fantastic and hysterical time walking around under the oh-so-flattering flourescent lights, slinging back free margaritas and popcorn and people-watching like it's never been done before. Other highlights included Paul Sevigny actually looking slightly less hip, sans last year's requisite trucker-hat and the shocking amount of normal looking people, mingling hilariously with the chicest of hipster-chic. Anyway. I'm so going back for some actual shopping. J'adore Target.
Party Crasher: Target Opening [via Gawker]