Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Republican National Convention updates from special correspondant, Magic Hannah:
Who needs MSNBC when you're a friend of Magic Hannah?! This is what she had to say about last night's televised portion of the RNC:
"Wow, I just watched the Secret Service guys put a chokehold on some twenty-something guy who had a security pass and started swearing at the VP. They knocked him to the ground while the people in funny hats (the most outstanding of which are shaped like big elephants that are shitting out uptight delegates) around him sneered. CBS did a recap so that I was sure to see it.
Um, Michael Moore is at the convention while John McCain is blasting his movie. And he's laughing and clapping. What is wrong with this country?!
Apparently GW has shown the world that 'love is greater than hate.' He must do that in secret.
Bloomberg's speech today was fascinating. Especially the part where he talked about how on July 4th he and Pataki laid the 'tombstone' of the Freedom Tower (or whatever the fuck it's called) at ground zero. A little bit of a Freudian slip. And a very public one at that. I liked it."