Attention Deficit Therapy
Friday, October 29, 2004
The Final Countdown: On Nov. 2, Pundits Go Nuts
The Final Countdown: On Nov. 2, Pundits Go Nuts: "So, as they say in Hollywood, let's cut to the chase: the highlights of Election Night 2004.
8 p.m., E.S.T.: ABC's Peter Jennings kicks off the night with a blatant play for ratings: 'Welcome to the biggest reality show of all time: Who wants the keys to the nukes?' NBC's Tom Brokaw goes for pathos: 'It's a critical election, because it's my last election.' Dan Rather, sweating, on CBS: 'Fasten your seat belts, hold on to your hats: This election is tighter than the character spacing on a 1970's memo from the Texas Air National Guard proving that George Bush went AWOL.'
8:01 p.m., MSNBC: The great Chris Matthews drinking game begins as viewers, panelists and the studio production crew are obligated to take a drink every time Matthews interrupts someone or drops the name Jimmy Carter.
8:06 p.m., Fox News: With early returns indicating a slight Kerry lead, we have our first casualty of the night: Ann Coulter has a nervous breakdown onscreen and is yanked off the air screeching, 'John Kerry isn't half the man Joe McCarthy was!'"
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