Thursday, October 14, 2004
This is exactly what I'm talking about:
Even I'm having nightmares about this shit. Finally, there is this word on the topic, thanks to my idol-du-jour, Arianna Huffington:
'The biggest threat we face today,' said Cheney in his very first answer 'is the possibility of terrorists smuggling a nuclear weapon or a biological agent into one of our own cities and threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.'
Just in case we didn't get the point, he repeated the ominous assertion, practically word for word, two more times -- throwing in the fact that he was 'absolutely convinced' that the threat 'is very real.' It was 'be afraid, be very afraid' to the third power.
And when we are afraid, we are biologically programmed to pay less attention to left-brain signals -- indeed, our logical mind actually shuts itself down. Fear paralyzes our reasoning and literally makes it impossible to think straight. Instead, we search for emotional, nonverbal cues from others that will make us feel safe and secure. | Bush's primitive appeal