Attention Deficit Therapy
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
My god, this is the funniest thing I've read since learning that Condi is the new Colin:
"Diet Cherry 7-Up is a very good mixer. So good that you don't even taste the vodka. So good that you don't even realize how much vodka you're putting in your drink. So good that you may or may not get a little teary over 'Braveheart'. So good that after watching 'Braveheart' you download 'The Electric Slide' to cheer yourself up, listen to it 20 times in a row, and actually do the Electric Slide on the last eight or so listens. Also, on the last three times, you take your pants off, grab your penis, and make your penis do the Electric Slide with you. And yes, you are single. "

Everything is wrong with me
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