Attention Deficit Therapy
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
After my own heart...
"I drank a glass of water. Then I puked that up. For fuck's sake? What's going on? I retched and retched and retched and drank water and puked it up and retched some more and drank more water and puked it up, all weekend, pretty much. Ad nauseam, one might say. "
Better out than in, I suppose [via Eurotrash]
Blog for America
"The George Bush reality distortion doesn't only affect foreign policy. Look at the tax giveaways that he said would balance the budget and jump-start the economy. Those huge expenses gave us crisis-level deficits and never trickled down from the wealthy elites who got the payouts. Not only does George Bush refuse to acknowledge these consequences, he wants to make these giveaways permanent.
One has to admit that it does take something like courage to be completely wrong and, in the face of all the evidence, continue to be completely wrong. But most of us know that trait as foolishness."
Blog for America - Choose or Lose - Headlines
"You're a producer for the local news. Which footage would you use to open your daily report on the Republican convention: a) a rousing speech inside the convention hall; b) thousands of peaceful protestors milling about outside; or c) a handful of violent (but entertaining) protestors scuffling with police?
If you want to keep viewers from flipping the channel, you'll probably choose the last option-- which explains why many Democrats are more concerned about what happens outside the convention hall this week than in it. If media coverage of the convention focuses disproportionately on the most violent, radical or unconventional protestors, those figures could become the public face of John Kerry and the Democratic Party." - Choose or Lose - Headlines
Media Mantic (RNC Schedule of Events)
I don't even know how I found this. But I like it...
"10:30pm - Rumsfeld demonstration of how to squint and talk macho
10:35pm - Bush demonstration of trademark 'deer in headlights' stare
10:40pm - John Ashcroft demonstrates new mandatory Kevlar chastity belt.
10:45pm - Clarence Thomas reads list of Black Republicans
10:46pm - Third Presidential Beer Bong
10:50pm - Seminar #3 Education: A Drain on our Nation's Economy
11:10pm - Hillary Clinton Pinata
11:20pm - Second Lecture by John Ashcroft: Evolutionists: The Dangerous New Cult
11:30pm - Call to EMT's to revive Rush Limbaugh again.
11:35pm - Blame Clinton
11:40pm - Laura serves milk and cookies
11:50pm - Closing Prayer led by Jesus Himself"
Media Mantic (RNC Schedule of Events)
Genius music writing...
I'm not saying drugs are right for everybody-- kids, stay away from crack unless you think you've got a pretty good shot at getting famous-- but through the years, drug addiction has consistently remained the ultimate in-style rockcessory of all fashion's fickle vicissitudes. For the layperson, addiction may be a tragic, often painful disease; for rock stars, it's simply bolsters 'mystique.' Alright, I'm teasing, you got me. Addiction is pretty terrific for everyone.
The Libertines: The Libertines: Pitchfork Review
Yeah, I'll take two "BUSH SUCKS" buttons and an I HEART JK fanposter, please.
I have to say that this crossed my mind more than once this weekend... Cheers to this Black List reviewer:
"OK, maybe it was the swell of pride in being part of 200,000 other (sort of) like-minded people, the excitement of making your chanting voice heard, the heat stroke as you drained the last of your precious water supply... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But pushing out of the wall of people clogged on Seventh Avenue and 25th Street to give 10 bucks to a guy hawking beefy tees with bad Bush/Dick puns on them seems a little off-topic and well ... crass. Yeah, it wasn't an anti-capitalist rally or anything, but let's focus here people."
Republican National Convention updates from special correspondant, Magic Hannah:
Who needs MSNBC when you're a friend of Magic Hannah?! This is what she had to say about last night's televised portion of the RNC:
"Wow, I just watched the Secret Service guys put a chokehold on some twenty-something guy who had a security pass and started swearing at the VP. They knocked him to the ground while the people in funny hats (the most outstanding of which are shaped like big elephants that are shitting out uptight delegates) around him sneered. CBS did a recap so that I was sure to see it.
Um, Michael Moore is at the convention while John McCain is blasting his movie. And he's laughing and clapping. What is wrong with this country?!
Apparently GW has shown the world that 'love is greater than hate.' He must do that in secret.
Bloomberg's speech today was fascinating. Especially the part where he talked about how on July 4th he and Pataki laid the 'tombstone' of the Freedom Tower (or whatever the fuck it's called) at ground zero. A little bit of a Freudian slip. And a very public one at that. I liked it."
Monday, August 30, 2004
And now it is time for Art.
"Armed robbers have stolen the iconic Edvard Munch painting, The Scream, from the Munch Museum in Norway.
Two masked thieves pulled the work and another painting, Madonna, off the wall as stunned visitors watched on Sunday. "
I can't believe I'm just hearing about this. Apparently, I've been living under a politics-heavy rock for the last week. This makes me so sad. And also makes me think about the admission cost for MoMA
when it reopens. Sick. Charging the public $20 to see some of the most important art in the world is ethically just as wrong as stealing it away altogether. No one should have the right to make the experience of these works a priveledge that only a few are able to enjoy. Right now I'm thinking about the fact that in my lifetime, I'll probably never see 'The Scream' in person. And I'll probably only be able to see the MoMA's collection a couple of times.
Hm. It becomes more clear every day, why I am not a Republican...

BBC NEWS World Europe Scream stolen from Norway museum
Munch's Scream Now At the Museum of the Missing
Hot day in August...
"'Four more years,' the delegates chanted.
'Four more months,' the protesters responded. "
The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Vast Anti-Bush Rally Greets Republicans in New York
Friday, August 27, 2004
I'm apolitical today. This is funny though...
Lindsay Lohan & Tara Reid: A Mentoring Relationship
TR: How are your boobs?
LL: Fucking huge!
TR: Ask me how mine are.
LL: How are your boobs?
TR: (pause) Fucking huge!
[via D-Nasty, via Defamer]
Thursday, August 26, 2004 Hear the Testimony - The People Will Judge George Bush
Well, I can't go, because I've got a prior, er, engagement, but if you are more the responsible type...
Thursday, August 26th
3:00pm to 9:30pm
Martin Luther King Auditorium
65th St. & Amsterdam
New York, NY
"War crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.
Hear the testimony - The people will judge... Hear the Testimony - The People Will Judge George Bush
Today, from The Black Table:
"Tomorrow you can treat us like shit, but today, today is Women's Equality Day. At the behest of millinery marvel Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.), Congress dedicated the day in 1971 to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and granted pollsters the right to invent monikers like 'Soccer Mom.'
Troublingly, though, we live in a time when -- word is -- single women are not so inspired to vote at all, which is truly strange considering the choice is between the new guy with the excellent wife and four more years of the Handmaid's Tale."
INCOMING! AUGUST 23, 2004. (Thursday)
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
These people are IDIOTS....GOSH...
This very silly person, Justin Snow, has a profile of himself on his blog, The Conservative View, that states:
"Conservative columnist and pundit, Justin Snow, is a rising star in the conservative movement. "
In his inaugural posts he helpfully tells us absolutely nothing useful, but does refer to Michael Moore as "Michael Mooreon." Oh you right-wingers can be so witty sometimes! I can hardly keep up.
I meant to post this ages ago, when it was first in the NYT, but c'est la vie. Here it is now:
"Through my work, I've always tried to ask hard questions. Why is it that the wealthiest nation in the world finds it so hard to keep its promise and faith with its weakest citizens? Why do we continue to find it so difficult to see beyond the veil of race? How do we conduct ourselves during difficult times without killing the things we hold dear? Why does the fulfillment of our promise as a people always seem to be just within grasp yet forever out of reach?
I don't think John Kerry and John Edwards have all the answers. I do believe they are sincerely interested in asking the right questions and working their way toward honest solutions. They understand that we need an administration that places a priority on fairness, curiosity, openness, humility, concern for all America's citizens, courage and faith."
Bruce's Letter to the Editor
I get all my news from Comedy Central.
"'I watch a lot of the cable news shows, so I understand that you were never in Vietnam,' asked Stewart, host of Comedy Central's The Daily Show.
'That's what I understand, too, but I'm trying to find out what happened,' Kerry joked." - Kerry does The Daily Show
Word Up Dick Cheney!
"With respect to the question of relationships--my general view is that freedom means freedom for everyone. People ought to be able to free -- ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to..."
Don't let it ever be said that I don't give credit where credit is due.
Cheney breaks rank on same-sex marriage; Vice president refers to daughter as lesbian publicly for 1st time [via SFGate]
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Oh my jesus.
"SHANGHAI (Reuters) - He is an aspiring rock star, but Yu Zhenhuan's claim to fame for now is that he is the hairiest man in all of China. Hair covers 96 percent of Yu's body.
The 26-year-old Yu is candid and unembarrassed about a condition that has made him a phenomenon in China since he was born... A stringy black fuzz matts every inch of his lanky frame, save for the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. "
China's 'Hairboy' Aspires to Be a Rock Star [via AOL News, Reuters]
Fuck Kerry, I'm voting for Pedro.

I just saw Napoleon Dynamite again last night. I've made it my life's mission to get every one of my friends to see it, if they haven't already. And they've made it their mission to hit, kick and yell at me every time I utter something about Ligers or catching a delicious bass... Apparently, I can be quite annoying?
Anyway. H sent the link to Flippin Sweet Tees this morning, godblessherheart. Not only can you buy a shirt, but you can also find out more about Ligers...
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
My friends are smart and have a lot of time on their hands, apparently.
OK, So here you go. This is long enough to make up for my slacking of late, and certain sporadic absences to come. S forwarded this email that's being passed around about how GW Bush is being villified by the left, i.e.:
Granted, there is always more to the story than the simplified argument posed below. But whether conservative or not, it seems the left's portrayal of our president is unfairly skewed. But people will believe what they want to believe. Bush has been unfairly vilified by many people in this electoral season and the list below is at least cause for a closer look at the big picture.
So then, M took it upon himself to be wicked smart, per usual, and do a little er, responding. I think it's very very good and so, once again, I'll let someone else's words do my talking...All of the comments delineated by arrows are from the original email and the comments that follow are all M. Who is, as I said, wicked smart.
> > >>> An Interesting Perspective> > >>>> > >>>>> There were 39 combat related killings> > >>>>> in Iraq during the month of January......> > >>>>> In the fair city of Detroit there were> > >>>>> 35 murders in the month of January.> > >>>>> That's just one American City,> > >>>>> about as deadly as the entire war torn country of Iraq..
39 combat related killings of Americans is the actual statistic. If that's all you care about is how many americans are dying, fine, but give full facts in the statistic. Let's also not forget that there are more americans in Detroit than there are in Iraq. That would make Detroit more safe per capita even if you only count Americans. Hmm... so Iraq is more dangerous than Detroit. Welldamn, do you think it's a good idea to invade a coutry and brag about it being more dangerous than Detroit when you're done. I think that's pretty dumb.
> > >>>>> When some claim President Bush shouldn't> > >>>>> have started this war, state the following ...> > >>>>> FDR ... led us into World War II.> > >>>>> Germany never attacked us: Japan did.> > >>>>> From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost,> > >>>>> an average of 112,500 per year.
Really? This is considered worthy of even typing? FDR led us into World War II by attacking on the front where the battles were already happening. If we still had a Pacific fleet left after Pearl Harbor, maybe we could have attacked Japan directly, but we could not. Does anyone really think that Sadam Hussein was the kind of threat to the US that Hitler and his allies were? If so see the nice little statistic of lives lost above. That should make it pretty clear.
> > >>>>> Truman...> > >>>>> finished that war and started one in Korea,> > >>>>> North Korea never attacked us..> > >>>>> From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost,> > >>>>> an average of 18,334 per year.
We did not attack Korea. We had pledged defensive assistance the the political leaders of the southern part of Korea. We did not attack, we defended. Does it make it better, maybe or maybe not. In that case we could at least say that they were attacking our allies. Who did Iraq attack? Kuwait? Sure, did wehelp Kuwait defend itself? Sure. Did they attack anyone this time or did we attack them?
> > >>>>> John F. Kennedy...> > >>>>> started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.> > >>>>> Vietnam never attacked us.
Actually we declared war on Vietnam because they supposedly blew up a ship of ours. That was considered an attack. They attacked our ship. Attacked. We defended ourselves. how is it then that they never attacked us? Oh wait, they did.
> > >>>>> Johnson...> > >>>>> turned Vietnam into a quagmire.> > >>>>> From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost,> > >>>>> an average of 5,800 per year.
Yeah, straw man is my favorite kind of logical fallacy. If you can justify your actions by the actions of another, we can do all sorts of fun stuff. Even using straw man though, this just doesn't make sense. How do you defend starting war by talking about how horrible war can be?
> > >>>>> Clinton...> > >>>>> went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent,> > >>>>> Bosnia never attacked us..> > >>>>> He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter> > >>>>> three times by Sudan and did nothing.> > >>>>> Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.
We have a defense treaty with the government of Bosnia and Macedonia. it's called NATO. Do I like it? No. Does it justify attacking Iraq? No. Does Osama bin Laden and his life or death have anything to do with Iraq? No, well it didn't used to.
> > >>>>> In the two years since terrorists attacked us> > >>>>> President Bush has ...> > >>>>> liberated two countries,> > >>>>> crushed the Taliban,> > >>>>> crippled al-Qaida,> > >>>>> put nuclear inspectors in Libya,> > >>>>> Iran and North Korea> > >>>>> without firing a shot,> > >>>>> and captured a terrorist who slaughtered> > >>>>> 300,000 of his own people.
Liberated or invaded and occupied? Liberated is what we did to the french. Invaded and occupied is what Hitler did to the Polish. Crushed the Taliban? They sure still seem to be blowing shit up pretty often. Crippled Al Qaeda? Why the hell are there guys with machine guns out in front of my office if Al Qaeda is so crippled? Put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran and North Korea?Did he really? I thought that was the UN. Why is it that he gets to take credit for that? Was he involved in the negotiations at all? NO. I definitely don't remember him capturing any terrorists that killed 300,000 of their own people. If they mean Saddam, fine, we can call everyone we don't like a terrorist. Really though, let's at least be honest and call him a fascist dictator or something. I mean if you can't drop the fear mongering just long enough to make your points, then you probably don't have any to make.
The rest of this is really not worth responding to because it is cheap shots on liberal politicians sole for the sake of distracting you from the fact that our country and our way of life and our great global peace are at risk because of an administration drunk with the power to do as they please with no forseeable consequences.
Monday, August 16, 2004
This is so awesome, I almost forgot about my hangover.
"We're obliged to reader Dennis Price for alerting us to an absolute must-have for any fashion-conscious and street-hip insurgent - the Kalashnikov MP3 player. Yes indeed, the streets of Najaf will never be the same again once the followers of radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada Sadr get their hands on this little beauty - aptly named the AK-MP3. Actually, it's just a replica AK-47 magazine, but slap it in your semi-automatic rifle and you're ready to shock and awe the US military with the sheer firepower of your playlist."
Introducing the Kalashnikov MP3 player | The Register
Have you ever been so hungover
that you keep dryheaving, just because you feel a little bit better afterwards? Even Coke can't help me today. I am a m.e.s.s. And this is all I can muster.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
California Supreme Court voids gay marriages in San Francisco, saying mayor overstepped authority
Fucked up, sad, depressing, makes me think all kinds of negative thoughts about people. WHY are such negative political acts allowed to happen? WHY are certain politicians so hell-bent on denying people the right to be happy? Earth to the CA Supreme Court: gay people are not going to take away any of your rights by getting married...
"The California Supreme Court voided all same-sex marriages sanctioned by San Francisco this year and ruled Thursday that the city's mayor overstepped his authority by issuing licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
The court said the city violated the law when it issued the certificates, since both legislation and a voter-approved measure defined marriage as a union between a man and woman.
The justices decided with a 5-2 vote to nullify the nearly 4,000 marriages peformed between Feb. 12 and March 11, when the court halted the weddings. Their legality, Justice Joyce Kennard wrote, must wait until 'the constitutionality of California laws restricting marriages to opposite-sex couples has been authoritatively resolved through judicial proceedings.' "
California Supreme Court voids gay marriages in San Francisco, saying mayor overstepped authority
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Hierodula and Papilio insist that you see this.
Bugs! is a live-action nature drama filmed in awe inspiring, totally immersive 3D. Shot on location in Borneo and in a purpose-built studio in Oxford, England, Bugs! explores the dramatic and savage lives of an Old World praying mantis and a beautiful butterfly, known by their Latin names, Hierodula and Papilio.
Pixies tickets go on sale today. I will gladly welcome anyone who'd like to er...sponsor me...
Because the shit is $45 a ticket. Before the fees. Fucking load of crap. December 12 and NYC...I hate the Hammerstein anyway. Yeah...that's it...
Pixies Tickets:
Sun 12/12/2004 8:00 PM
Door Time: 6:30 PM
The Pixies
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York, NY
It's been days now, and I'm still shocked, saddened.
Letter From the Editor: Meet Your New Editor: "Letter From the Editor: Meet Your New Editor "
Saturday, August 07, 2004
My mom = awesome.
How can you not love my mom, who sends me emails like this:
"Saw the movie Starsky and Hutch finally. What a hoot. I loved
Snoop Dog's portrayal of Huggie Bear and Vince Vaughn was funny as well. Ben
Stiller and Owen Wilson are really good together. They must have a
blast filming a movie together."
"Snoop Dog's 'portrayal' of Huggie Bear!" Hahaha....she's SO awesome.
My mom also has fierce tattoos. I'm jealous.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
" From: male escort services
Date:Aug 4, 2004 12:10 PM
i'm in the process of establishing a new website.
YOU can make money with it.
the website shall feature pictures of ladies in sexy outfits (bikini for example).
everyone can decide how far she wants to go.
if you're interested please contact me. " inbox
Smoking makes me fee like my pants are eating me, but this shouldn't deter others.
...organizing police efforts to hunt down, arrest and detain people for smoking a joint in NYC is a ridiculous waste of police resources and tax payer money!
Aha! OK, I get it.
"Academy Award rules state that documentary films will be disqualified if shown on TV or the internet within nine months of release. "
I'd wondered about that...thanks TM, for that info.
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Fahrenheit clear of Oscar threat News | "It was just for fun"
"Private Lynndie England, the woman who has become the emblem of America's shame over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, showed no alarm when confronted with pictures of her gloating over naked and cowering Iraqi prisoners, a military hearing was told yesterday.
Instead, her first reaction to news that she was under investigation for abuse was: 'It was just for fun.' That utter lack of comprehension returned to haunt her yesterday as the hearing began to determine whether she will face disciplinary proceedings or the full weight of a court martial. "
This makes me sick on so many levels. Have you seen the picture of this poor, dumb, little girl, all knocked and dressed in fatigues? She literally looks like a Cabbage Patch doll. Apparently she also showed no reaction during the initial preceedings aside from a "nervous giggle." Oy. God, it's all so horrible and...stupid, for lack of a more eloquent term... Scapegoat or not, she obviously did some seriously fucked up shit. But then again, should she go to jail for 38 years? She's 21, in the military, and sleeping with her 35-year old boyfriend/military superior. I don't know. I think she's probably just really, incredibly naive in general. About life, the world, politics, etc., not to mention ordinary human fucking decency. This is a tough one, and I'm sure with more time on my hands, I could sift through my thoughts a bit more thoroughly... I just feel like, there's a really good argument for understanding Pte. England as an unfortunate product of her environment. And by "understanding," I don't mean letting her off easy. There's no excuse in the world for treating other human beings like shit. Wartime or otherwise. Bleh... News | "It was just for fun"
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Holy crap, this is awesome! Now I get it! That's why my head hurts so much!
"It is news guaranteed to raise a cheer among those who enjoy a glass or two: drinking half a bottle of wine a day can make your brain work better, especially if you are a woman.
Research to be published tomorrow by academics at University College London has found that those who even drink only one glass of wine a week have significantly sharper thought processes than teetotallers.
The benefits of alcohol, which are thought to be linked to its effect on the flow of blood to the brain, can be detected when a person drinks up to 30 units of alcohol - about four to five bottles of wine - per week."
Telegraph | News | Alcohol sharpens your brain, say researchers [via tmftml]
blah blah blah...
"'There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new,' a report in The Washington Post quoted one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert as saying. 'Why did we go to this level...I still don't know.' "
:: Xinhuanet - English ::
Monday, August 02, 2004
Oh baby, I've been gone so long, but I'm BACK! (And I'm drunk. You expect no less). This is fantastic. I LOVED Obama at the Dem convention...
and I mean, who doesn't love scones??!!
michaelopalmer: 'It's been a great convention,' said a smiling Obama. 'Though not one for anyone on the Atkins diet -- I think I've eaten about a dozen scones. And counting.'
lockloct: HOLY SHIT!!
lockloct: This guy just keeps getting better!
michaelopalmer: Yes!!!!!
lockloct: email miller, please
michaelopalmer: Obama, who entered this convention a modest State Senator from the Land of Lincoln, but will now leave it the party's new favorite rising star, continued talking about the fruit-filled pastry often associated with the United Kingdom. 'Donuts have so much sugar, you crash a few hours later. Danishes have no lasting power. A scone -- now, that's a pastry that gets you through the day.'
lockloct: A++++
michaelopalmer: this guy is incredible!
lockloct: unreal. is that real?
michaelopalmer: yes!!!!
michaelopalmer: Obama's tone turned from embracing to protectionist, however, the second the senior senator from Illinois -- and Obama's likely future colleague -- Richard Durbin came into the Green Room. Obama grabbed about five scones from the craft services table, and turned his back to Durbin. 'Don't let Durbin have any of my scones. He always eats my scones. These are my scones. Mine.' Durbin, for his part, professed that he's a cinnamon bun man. 'Those scones might work fine in Chicago, but down in Carbondale, we like a good sticky bun.'
michaelopalmer: i'm writing a check for $500 to obama right now
michaelopalmer: any man who loves a good scone deserves our support"
Barack Obama: The Scone Chronicles [via Lockhart Steele]