Attention Deficit Therapy
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
O'Brien on Gallo.
On film festivals: 'I want to make a film with a handicapped Black Jew lesbian main character so I can win at Sundance.' On Tim Roth: 'Tim Roth is like holding a penis upside down to make it appear erect.' On Buffalo '66 co-star Christina Ricci: 'I don't like her. But it's okay. She's basically a puppet. I told her what to do, and she did it.' On Harmony Korine: ' . . . a mini-dwarf, faggot date-raper.' On his hometown Buffalo: 'Like Deliverance with smoke stacks.'
I wish everybody was fierce and outspoken like that. Everything that's wrong with everything, from mass entertainment to our government, starts with things being hushed up. We live in a culture of cop-outs and proclaimed powerlessness, tort laws and 12-step cults. But Vincent Gallo is a guy who speaks his mind and stands by his word.
Seriously? Is this guy trying to play the same sort of tired mindfuck that Vincent Gallo has made so famous? I don't get it. I guess I'm not very hip or something? Don't get me wrong, I love Buffalo '66 as much as every other 20-something who lives in the East Village, but I'm really annoyed by the cult-worship of V.G. I think he's sort of an idiot. And I definitely don't think his ego needs any more hero worship.
OK, ready? 1...2...3...hatemail now!
"Bush doesn't have a ranch in Crawford, he has a farm; to be a ranch it has to have cattle."
The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
Post Polling.
This freaks me out.
: "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling taxes?
DK/No opinion5%
Source: A Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted by telephone July 22-25, 2004, among a random national sample of 1,202 adults. The results have a three-point error margin. Fieldwork by TNS of Horsham, PA."
Monday, July 26, 2004
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | State Of The Union: Rural American values
"And how did the label 'conservative', which used to be the mark of a well-bred person of privilege, become the handle of so many poor and rural Americans? "
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | State Of The Union: Rural American values
Thank [Fuck] You page
"We're sorry -- we are unable to approve your application at this time.
You will receive a letter within 10 business days detailing the specific reason for our decision "
Thank You page [via AMEX]
The best Sunday ever, if I hadn't puked this morning.
Yesterday was awesome. I actually dragged myself out of bed before 12PM. I went in search of some Tasti-d, and they had my favorite flavor combo on tap (pistachio/cookie-dough. I know, I'm gross). I walked all the way from the East Village to the Met (really long walk = less daunting than actual, physical excercise). There I fulfilled my goal to check out some amazing Islamic art (or rather, what was actually on display, as the Islamic section is closed for renovation) and the Andy Goldsworthy sculpture on the roof. Also, before leaving, I made a pit stop at my favorite painting ever (Picasso's The Blind Man's Meal). It makes me feel like dying, but in a good way (always the true test of artistic genious, no?).

Anyway. After that, I glided across the park, stopped to hang out by the sailboat pond for a few minutes, and made my way down and over to Columbus Circle for some delicious Whole-Fooding and then back up to 68th and Broadway for the absolute highlight of my incredibly nerdy day. I saw Harry Potter 3 on IMAX. By myself. Oh god, I am a giant nerd, but it was amazing. Really really amazing. Worth all fourteen freaking dollars.
But no, the day did not stop here! See how much fun I can have? By the time I got back home to the EVil. my amazing roommate had the weekly White Trash BBQ in full swing. So much awesome. And not only were there hot dogs and PBRs a-plenty, but the amazing Mark brought me a present. I am now the proud owner of one fan fucking tastic folding bike. SO SO much awesome. Unfortunately, after a few vodka tonics and a can of Tecate, I decided I needed to try the bike out. Not so easy to ride, let me tell you, but I did live to share the glorious tale; not without an incredibly un-glamourous ending (ie. me + toilet bowl + 6am this morning = no fun at all). I am not drinking for the rest of the week. I swear. Really. This time I mean it.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
I like Margaret Cho.
What exactly did Martha Stewart do that was so wrong that she needs to go to jail for five months? I don't think she is any danger to herself or society. Getting her off the streets and into the Big House just doesn't make sense. Why are we wasting all this taxpayer money to put her in her place? It isn't worth it. I am not afraid of Martha Stewart. I think prison should be for people who may be harmful to others, and I just cannot imagine that her passion for entertaining is going to turn her into a menace to society.
Margaret Cho BLOG
Interpol, not the band.
So. I googled "Interpol" to check something out about the band. Obviously, I'm a moron and I should have entered "Interpol + _____" (band, carlos, CD, music, coke...whoops, that wouldn't have worked...but anyway, you get it). Instead, all of the listings were for the actual Interpol (it really exists! It's not just some crazy figment of Dan Brown's imagination!). And seeing as though I'm not really at work to do any work, I've been cruising the Interpol website for the last hour. It's neat! My favorite part is the "Most Wanted Works of Art" section. Here you can find out the fact that a 1924 Picasso was stolen somewhere in France at sometime between January and May of this year! They don't even know what month it was stolen in! But rest assured, if you know the whereabouts of "Nature Morte a La Charlotte," do not hesitate to contact "your national or local police." Hahaha. "Hello, Is this the New York City Police Department? Well the other day I saw this stolen Picasso that is totally being sought after by Interpol. Yeah, Interpol...Well they told me to call you..."

Work of Art [via Interpol]
Day in the life of Solzhenitsyn
I'm really unsure as to why this is a Daily News gossip item, but nevertheless, It's pretty cool. I mean, not about the funeral aspect. You know what I mean. Solzhenitsyn is amazing.
"Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has sent his condolences to the family of Paul Klebnikov, the Forbes magazine editor who was gunned down in Moscow on July 9. A friend tells us the 85-year-old writer dispatched one of his sons to Klebnikov's funeral last Friday in New York with a handwritten note of sympathy for Paul's widow, Musa..."
New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Rush & Molloy
SoYouWanna cure a hangover?
This site is brilliant. And yes I do wanna cure my hangover. I feel like death right now. But after I run to GNC and pick up some cysteine, I'll either be actually dead, or ordering my next round of cocktails!
SoYouWanna cure a hangover? [via SoYouWanna]
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Target is so hot right now.
So up on Gawker there are some awesome pictures of last night's party for the opening of the Target store @ Atlantic in Brooklyn. Also, there's a really, really accurate description of the illustrious event:
"I use the terms 'this is surreal' and 'I hate hipsters' and 'there's no way this could be happening' every day but then last night at Target it became clear that all the other times I said it and didn't mean it it was just practice for this singularly bizarre event."
Though the word "bizarre" doesn't even begin to grasp the "where the fuck am I and what the fuck is going on!!??"-ness of the evening. My charming host (for whom I provided the ubiquitous plus one) and I had a fantastic and hysterical time walking around under the oh-so-flattering flourescent lights, slinging back free margaritas and popcorn and people-watching like it's never been done before. Other highlights included Paul Sevigny actually looking slightly less hip, sans last year's requisite trucker-hat and the shocking amount of normal looking people, mingling hilariously with the chicest of hipster-chic. Anyway. I'm so going back for some actual shopping. J'adore Target.
Party Crasher: Target Opening [via Gawker]
An update from the Christian front:
(Yes! from the same aforementioned friend.) Direct to you, via my instant messenger, this fine morning:
Sxxxxx: hehehe
Sxxxxx: you are a riot. :-)
Sxxxxx: i thought you would find this hysterical... i drove by a lutheran church this morning and they have a sign up that says "come worship with us - we have AC!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Tiffany says:
"I like girlie men"
Me too.
For the Record [via Breakfast at Tiffany's]
Schwarzenegger's 'girlie men' line under fire [via CNN]
In response to Uber-Christianity and whatnot.
Someone left me an anonymous comment about the last post. Here, I'll quote it so you don't even have to click the link:
okay, saying that your friend is an UBER-christian is like saying all muslims are terrorists. ridiculous. 10 to 1 your friend is not standing on the street corners of boston chasing down commuters to SERVE JC or perish in SATAN'S FIERY HELL!! i'm sure she is shocked and appalled. i highly doubt that she said she would vote republican because it is more christian.. it was probably more along the lines of ONE possible reason for voting george w is because he isn't as wishy-washy in expressing his faith publicly. you're turning all michael moorish on the poor girl.
VERY interesting that whoever wrote this mentioned Boston. I mean, I live in NYC. Most of the people I know live in NYC. This aforementioned friend, however, does live in the Boston area. I am thus inclined to believe that the anonymous comment was posted by either the friend in question, or an individual with ESP. Seeing as though the friend in question would certainly not be "shocked and appalled" by the fact that I referred to her as "uber-christian," as she'd know I am not using the term literally, (you know, irony and all, and because I'm so funny! but really, it's because she's not very extremist at all except in opposition to my own distaste for organized religions), I would have to assume that the anonymous comment-poster is indeed very talented in the psychic-realms-department. How fun!
Additionally, Mr. Comment person, I really hope that you also enjoy the ways of sarcasm and were doing just that when you mentioned, "saying that your friend is an UBER-christian is like saying all muslims are terrorists. ridiculous." HAhahaha. oh, you are funny. That is ridiculous. Please humor me. Because I know you don't mean that saying that one person believes very, very strongly in something (even if "uber" was taken literally) is the equivilent of making a racist, xenophobic, judgement about an entire culture/society/religion. Naw, you're too smart for that, I'm sure.
Ah! and before I forget: "it was probably more along the lines of ONE possible reason for voting george w is because he isn't as wishy-washy in expressing his faith publicly." Let me adress this in 2 parts. A) I never said the whole "Christian thing" was the only reason she wanted to vote for Bush, A.C. just assumed that. And B) G.W. sure isn't wishy washy about expressing his faith publicly. Nope, he makes it heard loud and clear that he has no qualms over subjecting the entire contry to his own personal religion of choice. Over. And. Over.
Oh hell, In God We Trust!
Sorry, I'm just getting silly now. Or maybe "michael moorish," if you will...
On a brighter note, I did appreciate the link to this IRS press release--Charities May Not Engage in Political Campaign Activities--that states:
Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the Code that are exempt from federal income tax are prohibited from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. Charities, educational institutions and religious organizations, including churches, are among those that are tax-exempt under this code section.
So I guess Falwell really should have his tax-exempt status revoked, eh?
Vacation Bible School.
So I read this on MSNBC this morning:
Last week, 6,500 people in Memphis' Bellevue Baptist Church heard a political message. As many as one-million more watched it on a live broadcast to 500 other congregations.
But now, the Bush-Cheney campaign is going even further. In a memo, the campaign has asked ministers to send their church directory to campaign headquarters in order to reach church members directly. Even some ministers supporting Bush say that crosses a line that should not be bridged.
And then the article goes on to say that Jerry Falwell is doing really large amount of endorsing Bush from the pulpit and defends himself by saying this:
Look at the Democrats. Vice presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, spent Sunday at an AME church in Orlando, Florida. And Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry, of Massachusetts spoke at a black church April 4 in Boston.
Then the article finishes off with this:
The Bush campaign says what it is doing is completely legal. "We think that people of faith should be encouraged to participate in the political process," says Terry Holt of Bush-Cheney 2004.
"People of faith should be encouraged to participate in the political process." But where is the line drawn between encouraged and coerced? There's sort of a huge difference between having someone from the outside come into your church to speak to you vs. having a political group actively recruit members of churches to speak on their behalf.
Alas. I'm hardly surprised. But on a somewhat related note, my uber-Christian friend who had previously told me (much to my shock and horror) that she would vote for Bush because "Republicans are more Christian" [yikes...on THAT note, please take a minute to revisit Vonnegut's article on this topic from In These Times a couple of months ago] told me that she really likes Edwards and his values and is much more likely to vote Kerry with Edwards as his running mate. And I'll say it again, Mr. Kerry, good choice...
MSNBC - Politics and the pulpit
Monday, July 19, 2004
Adventures in Down-There-Land.
notevenher: you should suggest giving him payback at some point.
CXXXX: It's crossed my mind
CXXXX: but he wasn't that great
notevenher: it's one area that boys are actually adept at improving.
notevenher: with a litte er, guidance, if you will.
notevenher: i.e. "no, over there, oh! ouch! no, not there, that hurts, oh god, no biting please. ok, yeah, THAT's it. just keep doing THAT."
CXXXX : but he did get to it without any prompting
notevenher: ha. awesome.
CXXXX: actually, I think at one point when he was doing something else, I told him he was doing it like an OB/GYN
"Large asses need not apply," or, "Excuse me while I deposit my lunch in the sink."
"We don't want everyone wearing them, they are a special item so they'll be hard to get your hands on. The crystals are subtle along the stitching of the pocket only; they aren't too many. We wanted people to look at the pocket and just a slight sparkle, not be blinded."
-Tim Kaeding, creative director, 7 for All Mankind
For All Mankind? - Fashion Week Daily - Fashion, Scoops, Scene
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Telegraph | News | So you think Big Brother has become too explicit...
"Private Stars, which has been inspired by Channel 4's hugely successful Big Brother series, centres on the experiences of five female porn models who are locked in a house with five male members of the public.
The programme, which will run on cable and satellite television for 10 episodes next month, promises to go further than other reality programmes by offering 'the real thing' in terms of sexual behaviour.
The contestants will be screened 24 hours a day as they produce their own X-rated porn film. The five men in the show, including one Briton, will be judged on their abilities to perform sexually with the women. Those judged to have done most poorly will be voted out, one by one, until a winner emerges. He will be awarded a full-time contract with a porn film producer."
Telegraph | News | So you think Big Brother has become too explicit... [via TMFTML]
Yes, I am your liver, and no, beer is not good for me.
Ugh. Ever have one of those days? Escaping from the miserable torture that is the subway ride to work, just in time to fling yourself into the office bathroom in order to regurgitate what's left of the 2-day-old Chinese food that you washed down with four or five rum and cokes at around 11:30 last night, only to discover--with no small degree of shock and awe--that the lo-mein has managed to retain not only the majority of its original volume, but also the majority of its original shape!? I mean, it's been 10 hours! This is officially, the second time in less than a week that I have declared (on two separate occasions, mind you) that I will never again eat lo-mein nor will I will ever again drink rum and coke. I don't even like rum. Especially today.
UUUgh. Fortunately, last night's events also entailed a viewing of one of the best movies ever made.

And now it is time once again, to re-visit the lo-mein.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
"WASHINGTON - The Senate dealt an election-year defeat Wednesday to a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, rejecting pleas from President Bush and fellow conservatives that the measure was needed to safeguard an institution that has flourished for thousands of years."
MSNBC - Gay marriage ban fails to advance
MSNBC - U.S. fights back against AIDS criticism
"U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who joined the French delegation and other skeptics this week in criticizing the United States, urged Washington to show the same leadership in fighting AIDS as it has in fighting terrorism.
'We hear a lot about weapons of mass destruction, we hear a lot about terrorism. And we are worried about weapons of mass destruction because of the potential to kill thousands. Here we have an epidemic that is killing millions. What is the response?' Annan said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. in Bangkok."
MSNBC - U.S. fights back against AIDS criticism
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Fuck the Vote : Because Liberals are Hotter
"This website contains information, links, images and videos of sexually explicit material. If you are under the age of 21, if such material offends you or if it's illegal to view such material in your community please do not continue. "
Fuck the Vote : Because Liberals are Hotter
[thanks sara.]
A word about internet billionaires.
So, I just received a comment, and I am going to take this opportunity to explain a couple of things. First, here's the comment:
There's more to life than internet billionares. A tad shallow, don'cha think? --Anonymous, obviously (Mom, you know I know that you read this!)
Ahem. So. Internet Billionaires. More to life? Yah. I'd say so. In fact, Sir/Ma'am, I would like to direct your attention to the complete lack of internet billionare musings in the vast majority of my posts within the last 8 months or so. I think I deserve a little more credit. I have donated a significant amount of my incredibly valuable time to many various and sundry alternate topics, ranging from "Britney Spears," to "Why it is unfair that I do not look like Britney Spears," to even a thought-provoking, analytical piece, entitled "Beautiful Pariah: Why I am glad that I no longer desire to like Britney Spears." Shallow? Please.
And with that, all internet billionaires who find me funny, irreverent, charismatic, and (after a google image search or two) inconceivably gorgeous, please feel free to direct any and all immediate, pre-nuptual-free marriage proposals to me at my most logical and efficient contact. Don't worry, with 1000MB, I'm sure that my inbox won't fill up too quickly! update:
QuettaML: He's the guy who invented blogger.
QuettaML: And he's from Nebraska.
QuettaML: But now lives in CA.
QuettaML: And he's H-O-T.
notevenher: Evan?
QuettaML: Yes.
notevenher: he is hot
QuettaML: Evan is hot.
QuettaML: You don't googleman 3, he's blogger 1.
QuettaML: He's THE blogger.
"MARINOL: Marinol is a drug prescribed to terminally ill people to stimulate their diminishing appetites. Marinol is a gel cap of THC and some other shit to make you not paranoid and stuff, I think. It's basically bong pills. My friend has some, and he gave me some to try out. So I washed one down with an ice cold Sparks, and let me tell you, Marinol is the bee's knees. Imagine being as stoned as you've ever been, stoned as 50 really stoned dudes, but you're not too paranoid to leave the house and go buy some food and shit. Cop cars don't scare you when you're floating down the street on Marinol; they just look funny. Everything does! I laughed at a dog tied up outside a deli until I got lockjaw. Then I saw a Chinese man drop a mango and nearly shat my pants. A -- Gary Sandwiches"
And then the simple truth is revealed...
notevenher: bret, why are guys such dickheads?
Brettiboy: ummm cuz we got cocks and seem to only care bout using them :-\
so simple.
notevenher: vin, why are guys such dickheads?
zipcodefascist: i dont know
zipcodefascist: what happened
notevenher: just in general.
notevenher: i'm disenchanted
zipcodefascist: why
zipcodefascist: some guys want different things
zipcodefascist: guys are very simple
zipcodefascist: just jerks
notevenher: "some" meaning "one in fifteen million-ish"
zipcodefascist: something like that
Quetta is at it again...
So this time, Quetta, in the midst of her constant search for a date with Larry Page, has decided that I should not go on a date with Sergey (the other Google kazillionaire), but rather she'd like to see me hook up with Googleman 3, Evan. Evan apparently is the mastermind behind Blogger (we're not completely certain about this and are slightly too a.d.d. to get involved with any modicum of research, but we'll go along with it). So we are in love already. Additionally, he appears to have dork-chic glasses, which is always a good thing in my book.
Alas. Let the matchmaking ensue, Jacquetta. You know I appreciate your taste in manselection (I decided to coin a new term), as evidenced by the Great Harvard Soccer Player Debacle of '99/'00. Long story, but in effect, we manselected the same "10-second" Harvard guy without eachother's knowledge...
Hey Larry (and any of his friends), please note that I'd like to change my request. I no longer want a date for Liz with Sergey. Nope. I think she'd much prefer a date with Evan. I haven't asked her yet (perhaps she'd be willing to comment for us), but knowing her type, I suspect Evan would be a much better match. Not that Liz has a problem with Russians who do flying trapeze of course, or that she would turn Sergey down if he actually said yes, it's just if I'm going to play cyber matchmaker I might as well attempt to put compatible folks together.
Date with Larry Page?
MSNBC - Discord stalls Senate marriage vote
Good, I guess, that it's stalled. Though every time I read that this even exists, I feel like I'm living in a time warp and this is actually 1924 as opposed to 2004. In 2004, this really, really shouldn't even be an issue...
The proposed amendment, sponsored by Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., declares, "Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."
MSNBC - Discord stalls Senate marriage vote
Ha, I'm so glad that I work for a woman.
I mean, obviously, work would be more entertaining if there was even the potential for some co-worker-bent-over-the-copy-machine action...hmm...then there's also those things you get when you work for big, rich companies...what are they called again? Oh yeah--benefits. Apparently, all kinds of benefits...
"Morgan Stanley is the third Wall Street firm to pay big bucks -- Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch have previously paid out more than $100 mil combined. This pattern could very well lead one to believe that Wall Street boys would much rather be assholes and pay out millions of dollars than keep their money by merely not behaving like retarded frat boys while at work."
Morgan Stanley Runs Scared From Girls [via Gawker]
Monday, July 12, 2004
ActForChange : Act Now
ActForChange : Act Now: "Spurred by the recent Massachusetts State Supreme Court decision against discrimination, some members of the radical religious right are aggressively campaigning to amend the U.S. Constitution to deny the right to marry to same-sex couples in committed relationships. The proposed amendment (H.J. Res 56/S.J. Res 26) would also invalidate all state and local domestic partnership laws and nullify civil rights protections based on marital status.
Today we look back, almost disbelieving, on the time when many Americans did not tolerate marriage between Catholics and Protestants and between people of different races. Unfortunately, our laws continue to deny a basic right to marry to two adults simply because they are gay or lesbian. Now, some want to write that discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.
Gay Americans serve in the military, keep our communities safe as firefighters and police officers, staff our hospitals, build our cities, and pay taxes. Denying gay couples the right to marry takes away legal rights in pensions, health insurance, hospital visitations and inheritance that other committed couples enjoy.
Call to action
Urge your senators and representative to oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment."
Today I am slightly bummed out. My birthday is over. I also got an email this morning from a very nice guy I met at a bbq last Tuesday. He bought me my first birthday drink. I am very appreciative. It was a Yuengling. I definitely don't know how to spell that, but it looks right...
Thursday was very fun though. I don't remember getting home, but I do remember using my mouth as a blender for mixing margaritas... And a particularly hot 3-way makeout. Thanks everyone.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Mime, for beginners?
"What the holy fuck is the point of mime, other than to inspire homicidal mania in even the most mild-mannered spectator. Why do people dress up in stripey shirts, put white stuff on their faces and then act like total fucking gits in the middle of a park in front of people who HATE HATE HATE them? Where's the fun on either side?
You know WHY they have to assault you in parks with their silent smirking? I'll fucking tell you why. Because no fucker in their right mind is going to PAY to see some twat in a striped shirt pretend he's inching his way across a window, or petting a dog or negotiating for world peace or whatever the fuck it is they're doing. "
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
I don't care, I'm linking to the same article twice. This is too funny.
"When Cheney does campaign, he seems to do so reluctantly; if every campaign stop seems like a day at Disneyland for Edwards, it looks like a visit to the proctologist for Cheney. " News | The smile vs. the scowl News | The smile vs. the scowl
"The moderator tried to cut him off, but Edwards wasn't done. 'You have to let me finish,' Edwards said. 'You asked me the question.' Edwards turned back to the crowd. 'I grew up the way you grew up,' he told them. 'I come from the same place ... I will never forget where I come from, and you can take that to the bank.'
By the time Edwards was finished, he had turned the crowd around. The jeers became shouts and then thunderous applause, and Edwards left the hall in triumph.
It was a fleeting moment in a presidential campaign Edwards would eventually lose. But it was exactly the sort of moment John Kerry had to have in mind when he selected John Edwards to be his running mate Tuesday. For all of the talk about what Kerry wanted in a vice presidential candidate -- a proven leader, committed to Kerry's agenda and prepared to assume the presidency at a moment's notice -- what Kerry got was an appealing young populist who can inspire true believers and win over the doubters.
What he got was the opposite of Dick Cheney. " News | The smile vs. the scowl
Tofu jerky: the real deal.
This page is currently 14th when you search Google for tofu jerky. Most of the pages in front of it are actually cribbed versions of mine. Please, whenever you need to link to a tofu jerky recipe, link to mine, not all those other fake tofu jerky recipes.
Tofu jerky
Sad but true: T-Mobile is the monkey on my back.
I'm sorry, but what the christ have I been doing? In checking my T-Mobile bill, this fine morning, I was shocked to discover a charge for 147 text messages in my most recent billing cycle. Anyone familiar with a cellphone addiction 12-step I could maybe get into?
Date Destination Time
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The New Republic Online: Onwards and Edwards
"Throughout the primary campaign I was stunned at how fast Edwards's support grew among women once he got rolling and received some press attention. We don't talk about this much, but Cheney's animal magnetism and hunkiness are so overwhelming--I am just not sure Edwards is up to the task. ... Seriously, I think Edwards opens up a bridge to women and young people that goes beyond Kerry's own reach and well beyond Cheney's. (He may open a bridge to African Americans as well.)
All in all, I do not think Kerry could have done much better. Sen. Kennedy and Shrum were right to urge this pick. By picking Edwards, the Kerry campaign has proven it is in the major leagues. That makes two things Karl Rove never expected from the Democrats this year--a nominee who would opt out of the public funding system and one who would assemble a major-league campaign. Kerry has done both, and that makes him more than competitive at this point. Am I excited about Kerry-Edwards? Hell yes. "
The New Republic Online: Onwards and Edwards (Joe Trippi)
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Hot ticket...
From: Sara
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:30 AM
To: Liz
Subject: edwards
that should get some women to vote...he's waaaayyy hotter than cheney...jfk quality almost.
Ha. This is one of the best arguments I've heard yet. Really though, I kid... This is a brilliant decision. Way to go, Mr. Kerry, sir. I think this is the best part of Kerry's email this morning. It's so damn positive I'm like, feeling all warm and fuzzy...despite the post July 4th weekend detoxification...
"I want you to know why I'm excited about running for president with John Edwards by my side. John understands and defends the values of America. He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism, and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and speaks to the heart of America -- hope and optimism."
MSNBC - Kerry e-mail to supporters on Edwards
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Hangover empathy anyone?
I feel like I'm going to die. I woke up in the clothes I wore last night. right down to my flip flops. apparently, I managed to consume 1 Tequila sunrise, 5 frozen margaritas (all with salt, one with mango flavoring), 3 PBRs, 2 Red Stripes, 1 Stella 1 Sparks and 2 cans of Rhinegold. In that order. that's right, friends, I drank for approximately 10 hours straight yesterday. I can't even think about beer right now. or nachos, for that matter. I had 4, count them, FOUR servings of nachos throughout that time period. and that doesn't even count the ENTIRE BAG of guacamole flavored doritos I murdered on my way from one bar to the next. Holy crap, I feel like shit. Now I'm at work, feeding my bosses cats. I'm about to go throw up the loaf of bread, bottle of coke and bottle of that POM pomegranate juice shit that I decided would cure my hangover because I read it in a magazine. Then I'm going to get my shit together, make a pasta salad and get into bbq-mode so I can happily pound back a few cans of miller-highlife and a hotdog or 3. Summer. Eghh.
Friday, July 02, 2004
All you ever needed to know:
Friend Who Does Not Wish To Be Identified: did you call me last night?
notevenher: yes, i think so
FWDNWTBI: i was at practice.
notevenher: wicked.
FWDNWTBI: yeah -- what'sup
FWDNWTBI: whatcha doin
notevenher: drinking tequila and oj, about to leave. you?
FWDNWTBI: leave where?
notevenher: yep
FWDNWTBI: damn -- hotshit liz.
notevenher: that's my name
notevenher: what're you up to today?
FWDNWTBI: i am at my job now..
FWDNWTBI: i want to leave
FWDNWTBI: and go have delicious dinner
notevenher: you should. do it.
notevenher: mmm
FWDNWTBI: and see a movie before then
notevenher: do it
notevenher: i'm going to drink beer on my roof with kate.
notevenher: then prowl the happy hours
FWDNWTBI: i knwo jate
FWDNWTBI: i know kate..
notevenher: then go to the motherfucker party
FWDNWTBI: motherfucker party?
notevenher: (potentially)
FWDNWTBI: what's that
FWDNWTBI: hey ;liz
notevenher: yep
FWDNWTBI: what are the top 5 hotshit local 'what's going on' websites..
FWDNWTBI: a place where you'd look for something fresh to do, a band to see, an event to go to, etc..
FWDNWTBI: but local
FWDNWTBI: like NYCentric / BKLYNcentric
notevenher: well, blogs are pretty good for that
FWDNWTBI: where do people go to read the new reviews and shit
FWDNWTBI: like bands / music / places..
FWDNWTBI: i know there are tons of blogs going
FWDNWTBI: but who's are respected?
FWDNWTBI: i know that one
FWDNWTBI: very nice.
FWDNWTBI: this is what i'm loking for.
FWDNWTBI: keep em coming.
FWDNWTBI: what about places that review albums?
notevenher: oh I can do that too. hold on
FWDNWTBI: you rule.
notevenher: though this is the absolute best
notevenher: obviously
FWDNWTBI: this i know
FWDNWTBI: are these local?
notevenher: oh yeah, this one's really good for reviews:
FWDNWTBI: so these are local websites?
notevenher: yeah, mostly
notevenher: and A..., if you're not already, you NEED to be subscribing to this:
notevenher: shit not that one
notevenher: haha
notevenher: that
FWDNWTBI: do you know
notevenher: though personally, I depend on this quite a bit:
notevenher: no, hold on
notevenher: ooh, that's good. I'm impressed.
Can You Believe This Jackass?
Some very smart, very witty person has started a blog called "Can You Believe This Jackass". It's pretty fucking brilliant and I have already begun to compile a list of potential featured jackasses. Alas. There are so many.
Can You Believe This Jackass?
I think I would get along quite well with this person.
"This is absolutely unbelievable... Republican hypocrisy raised to an exospheric level:
President Bush [sic] observed the 40th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act [Thurs]day, standing in the East Room of the White House, where the law was signed, and proclaiming that 'America is a better place' because of its enactment but 'the work of equality is not done because the evil of bigotry is not finally defeated.'
Yes, that's why we need Affirmative Action--you know that program, Georgie; it's the one your administration and your party have relentlessly attacked and weakened. And let's not forget the GOP's assault on civil liberties in general since 9/11.
George Bush celebrating the CRA anniversary is like Hitler celebrating Hanukkah. Oops, that's the kind of Nazi analogy that wingnuts hate--except when they're the ones using such analogies against liberals. "
wanted: a vast left-wing conspiracy
The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Television: Showing First Scenes of Hussein in the Courtroom
Peter Jennings is remarkable, yet again.
"No network was more red-faced than NBC, which passed up the chance to broadcast, at the same time as every other television news outlet, the first scenes of the former dictator in the courtroom. NBC chose instead to continue a taped interview with the movie star Robert Redford, followed by a live badminton match between Katie Couric, the anchor of the network's 'Today' program, and competitors from the United States Olympic badminton team.
'We made a bad call,' said Allison Gollust, the spokeswoman for NBC News.
Peter Jennings, the ABC anchor, made a much better call last week when he was interviewing Salem Chalabi, the director of the Iraqi Special Tribunal, which is in charge of the legal case against Mr. Hussein. Mr. Jennings, knowing Mr. Hussein's court appearance was coming up - the first time he would be seen since his capture - asked Mr. Chalabi if he could be admitted to the courtroom, said Cathie Levine, a spokeswoman for ABC News."
The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Television: Showing First Scenes of Hussein in the Courtroom
How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in 5 easy steps.
"No pseudo-intellectual is complete without a pair of ultra-hip 'EMO' glasses. Just put them on and let the smart vibes flow. A mere glance and people will be able to tell that you're the type of person who reads Dostoevsky. You won't be mistaken for anything short of an astro-physicist, or a theoretical physicist of some sort. All physicists go to stupid raves, bleach their hair, and listen to angst-filled punk music because they don't want to seem uncool in front of the other scientists."
How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in 5 easy steps. [via vin, thanks vin]
Banterist - Dear J-Lo & Current Occupant
I'm posting from this site again. Seriously, I've got tears of joy pouring down my face. This is HYSTERICAL. If you don't agree, we are not friends. That's it. I'm officially Banterist superfan #1.
"Madame Lo:
We do not know each other, but I felt it my duty to write and ask that you, all of you, immediately cease making a total mockery of the institution of marriage. By 'all of you' I mean you and the myriad celebrities in your vicinity who are currently participating in this unholy pogrom. If you're friends with Britney, Liza, Demi, Angelina - any of them - please ask them to stop too. This is getting as silly as it is unbearable.
Due to my wife's unfortunate subscription to Us Weekly I have been exposed to many things, such as this love and marriage mockery, with which I take umbrage. In the course of only a few months, and solely by exposure to headlines on covers of Us left on the coffee table, I have been witness to a pattern of ludicrous nuptials and unstable romances that are a direct assault on ideals and institutions that, at the very least, deserve to be taken more seriously than a trip to the pharmacy. Not since my 7-year old brother married a neighbor in between a game of hide-and-seek have I seen such a lowering of the bar for what is considered love, not to mention poorly-planned rushes to matrimony."
Banterist - Dear J-Lo & Current Occupant:
Banterist - Field Guide To Online Dating Profile Photography
"THE MUGSHOT, not ironically, indicates unimaginative, brain-dead potential criminals. Mugshotters have defecated in public and killed squirrels. The Mugshotter thinks Kafka is what you do if you have a chest cold. A date with a mugshotter involves coupons, and the evening often ends with a request for a blowjob no matter how the date went."
Banterist - Field Guide To Online Dating Profile Photography
Back in the Closet, Gentlemen
Back in the Closet, Gentlemen: "You gay guys are probably so used to the closeted guy at your office that you don't even snicker about it anymore. Maybe you even slept with him, years ago, though only the clueless Jersey-girl receptionist still thinks he's cute. But he knows what the rest of the gays are about to find out: Social and legal acceptance breeds political apathy, bad fashion and non-penetrative sex. It turns out that secrecy and privacy, flavored with just a hint of shame, is the hottest gay lifestyle of all. And, better, not being 'gay' allows one the strength to be gay any way one would like. Besides, it has been that kind of year."
Thursday, July 01, 2004
I live for this crap too.
The compatibility question: What does astrology have to say about you and your mate (or potential mate)? Uncover compatibility insight through the sun signs of you and your love -- or of that certain someone you've got your eye on.
I am compatible with Scorpios. I am not compatible with Sagitarians. I can have great sex with an Aquarius. What else does one need to know.
Yahoo! Astrology
Fireworks: perhaps the only thing better than riding the Cyclone.
I LIVE for fireworks. And my brithday is you know, 3 days after the 4th, so I can pretend that the fireworks are for me. Please don't destroy my fantasy.
"July 4th is three days away, but some of you might be unplugging and getting away for the weekend, so Gothamist has some information for you, in case you change your mind and want to stick around for the weekend. July 4th is one of the best times to be in the city, one of the top reasons being the Macy's July 4th Spectacular. This year, there will fireworks over the East River on the East Side between 14th and 42nd Streets as well as downtown, near the South Street Seaport and other points south of the Brooklyn Bridge"
Gothamist: July 4th in the City Details
Neurology of Attention Deficit Disorder
Neurology of Attention Deficit Disorder: "What would happen if the Reticular Activating System was too excited, and aroused the cortex or other systems of the brain too much?
Then we would see individuals with excessive startle responses, hyper-vigilance, touching everything, talking too much, restless, and hyperactive. "
Strattera Screener Result Page
Strattera Screener Result Page: "The responses you have provided indicate that your symptoms may be consistent with Adult ADD. It may be beneficial for you to talk with your healthcare professional about an evaluation."
My god, I love self-diagnosis. Screener: "Are you living with Adult ADD?
The questions below can help you find out
The following questionnaire can be used as a starting point to help you recognize the signs/symptoms of adult ADD but is not meant to replace consultation with a trained healthcare professional. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through a clinical evaluation. Regardless of the questionnaire results, if you have concerns about diagnosis and treatment of ADD, please discuss your concerns with your physician. "